
What is Xamarin?
Xamarin.Mac was created as a tool for Apple technology application development using the C# programming language. Xamarin.Mac, as with Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android, gives developers up to 90% of code reuse across Android, iOS and Windows.
Snovasys is a UK (United Kingdom) Based Mobile App and IT Software Company. We are expert in Xamarin App development and Xamarin Techonogy. We use Xamarin as a platform to develop mobile apps and subsequently, deploy across Android, iOS and Windows. Xamarin harnesses the peculiarities of different platforms in a revolutionary way that allows our developers to create a cross-platform application without any limitations. On top of that, the original look-and-feel of iOS and Android helps in creating a neat design & satisfy even the most dedicated platform admirer. Xamarin is now a part of Microsoft and you are all set to enjoy the luxury of Enterprise Mobility.

Xamarin Products
Xamarin platform
Xamarin Test Cloud
Xamarin for Visual Studio
Xamarin Studio
.Net Mobility Scanner